Neutron Star, Wikimedia Commons |
Neutron stars are very tiny remnants of stars, with the matter very tightly compacted. A star only 2 to 3 times larger than our son can turn into a neutron star that can fit inside a city with the size of 142.6 sq miles. That is like taking earth's population and squeezing it down into the size of a sugar crystal.
Now, if we were ever able to get our hands on some, scientists have discovered that only a teaspoonful of a neutron star would contain over 10 billion tons of mass.
Now, say we dropped only a teaspoon of neutron star onto earth.
Measurement Spoons, Wikimedia Commons |
The neutron star would not be able to be held up by anything on earth, and would rip through the earth picking up enormous momentum, so much in fact it would go past the earth's core and continue out the other end of the earth. Now say this goes on a bunch of times...
Earth would have a bunch of holes in it. Not large holes, but holes indeed.
We could then compare the earth to Swiss Cheese, which also has holes.
Swiss Cheese, Wikimedia Commons |
Switzerland's Flag, Wikimedia Commons |
So the world would in essence become a neutral, peaceful Swiss cheese world.
And there you have it folks, World Peace*.
*Patent Pending
If you read all this through and believed it... Well, then.
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